Keras Communication

The Discussion

When I last wrote I spoke about awaiting a response for information and looking into the suggested ideas by Gabriel de Marmiesse, and ran into the same issue I had seen before with AST parsing imports. I explained this to Gabriel tagging him in the comment of the issue, but I knew the last time I attempted that it wasn’t seen. I can imagine it’s difficult to see every comment in every issue and moderate it all. With that being said I went to Gabriel’s GitHub profile to see if I could find anything.

Screen Shot 2019-02-15 at 11.28.03 AMGabriel has an email attached to his profile, so in an attempt to get his attention should he not see the comment, I sent him an email explaining the problem, and that I had previously reached out on GitHub as well.

Gabriel was quick to respond, and as the day progressed we commented back and forth discussing the problem. Ultimately I provided a short code snippet in the comment to demonstrate the issue, and I am currently awaiting a response.

On The Side

While waiting for answers and suggestions from Gabriel I looked into the other half of his recommendation to use pylint custom tests. I found the process to be surprisingly easy, as it operates similar to other python testing programs, and I wanted to integrate my existing tool (albeit not being used) into pylint as a test and a way to play around with pylint.

pylint works through command line and will test the files and/or directories provided for several tests, which can be toggled on and off, as well as add custom tests as discussed above.pylint_console_1

In this example we can see pylint looking for a config file, which determines which tests to run on the given file path, as well as return all of the exceptions and they’re name and line number.

Closing Thoughts

I am continuing to try and hash this out with Gabriel and the keras team to come to a solution that can satisfy their requirements and solve the issue. I am actively searching for alternate solutions and will not be shy to share them with Gabriel if I feel they are adequate.


Until next time…

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